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Nov 21, 2008

X-Mas Claws.

It is the time of year where everyone gets fatter and you buy people you know stuff, whether you like them or not. Also you send cards to people you haven't seen since your wedding(in my case that is only a few weeks) and then take them off the list if you don't get a card back. (assholes) Since I didn't get a thing from my x-mas list last year(see post here) I thought I would try again. Contact me for my shipping info if you want to get me something for all the quality I add to you life...or to send me hatemail.

The list:

The new part at Lebanon Hills hurts my weak girly wrists, so I want to try these out:

Ergon GC2

My bottom backet needs to be pimped on the Monkey and only Chris King has more cowbell:

Chris King Bottom Bracket - Green please!

More sheep parts please:

Swobo Dolly Knee warmers

And here comes the Rapha stuff, so nice, so fucking expensive:

Rapha Wool Fixed Base Layer

Rapha Tweed Softshell

Rapha Merino Shirt

Rapha Silk Scarf

Okay, pretty much anything from Rapha would make me happy.

Another jacket would be nice, Twin Six has one that looks nice:


The Twin Six wooly would be nice too:

T6 Wooly Gray

A hat would top this off also:

T6 Strip Cap

Swobo Cottonwood Jacket would keep me nice and warm between bars.

Something to read while I vacation in Belize:

Rouleur Photo Annual 2008

Some of these never hurt either:

New Belgium 2 Below

So I expect to see a few of these at my house next year. That Grinch isn't going to get me again.

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Nov 1, 2007

All I want...

When I was a kid I loved Winter, snow outside, the possibility of school getting canceled, and XMas. I couldn't wait for the presents. I would literally shake with excitement from December 1st until I got to open those perfectly wrapped little boxes of happiness. I was so filled with joy while opening them and then it would happen, clothes. Aww (insert relative), why did you get me a shirt? I couldn't play with it like the shiny Matchbox or Hotwheels cars or make them fight like my Ninja Turtles...I HATED getting clothes...

How times have changed...All I want for XMas follows:

Fisher 29er Short Sleeve Jersey - Men's - Fucking Hot.

Fisher Long Sleeve Merino Wool Trainer - Cause I am a wuss in the cold...

The Masher - Cause two different blues really bring out my eyes...

SPEEDY T - You always need more stylish t-shirts with your hometown on 'em

DELUXE Sock - Mmmm Sock Guy Wool

Rapha New Winter Hat - I hate when my head is cold.

Rapha Race Bag - I know, not quite clothes but it will hold these items...

Swobo Men's Organic J-Mak Knicker - Gotta have bottoms, the pantless look just doesn't look good on men.

I would actually be happy with any of the stuff these companies produce but these are some of my favorites. Better start making your lists.


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