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Sep 24, 2008

Bicycling Wiki

Wiley from the Practical Pedal writes:

We’ve got a new web site. It’s called Convivial City and it’s a wiki, meaning all of you can edit and add to it. The idea, as quoted from the main page  is this:
Convivial, at its root, means to “come together and live.” So a Convivial City is one where people can do just that. And bicycles help make such a place possible. So Convivial City (the website) is a wiki that we hope will be filled with pages and pages of great information about biking and living in your city. Anyone can edit articles, create articles, add photos and on and on.
There are no real rules except this one: Add stuff that will make this site the definitive  most enjoyable city guide for cyclists.
It’s an idea John and I had while driving to Portland last month. Wouldn’t it be great, we said, if there was a wiki guide for cyclists where we could find out what the riding was like in any city. But not a just-the-facts-ma’am kind of guide but one that told the story of a city as well. Something that informs and inspires. With luck and hard work, Convivial City could be just such a guide. Right now there’s nothing there, so let’s get started.


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